Home Celebrities Did you know? You look most like this celebrity!

Did you know? You look most like this celebrity!

Did you know? You look most like this celebrity!

You think that you are the same as Kim Kardashian? Let’s take a look?

Many times we think that we are similar to some celebrity. Because it’s easy to forget that celebrities are just regular people. At the end of the day, they are just like us. In the world, we can find many people who are totally like us, which means that for sure you probably resemble a certain celebrity too. But the main question is, which one? Before you find out you will need to answer some of the questions.

So, take this quiz and try to find out which Hollywood star looks like like you. Well, you might be surprised with the final result.

Answer on a few simple questions and we will show you which female celebrity is totally like you!


Choose the color of your hair:



How old are you?



Do you enjoy beauty treatments?



What do you think about red lipstick?



What length of hair do you like?



What is the most beautiful thing about you?


Question 1 of 6

Jennifer Lopez is proof that one celebrity can do anything

J.Lo is one of the biggest names in the celebrity world. With a celebrity life, she proved that she can conquer every field of her life. But only a couple of people know some interesting facts about her. For example, in 2008, she finished a Nautica Malibu Triathlon. She completes it in two hours, 23 minutes, and 28 seconds. Since 2002, she released more than 20 fragrances. Also, she and her sister launched a nonprofit organization. The name of this organization is Lopez Family Foundation. The main goal of this organization is to give health opportunities for women and kids.

Interesting facts about Beyonce

One of the most famous singers in the world is for sure Beyonce. Even if she likes to keep her life private, there are some interesting facts about her. For example, her favorite number is four. When she was 7-years-old she won the singing competition. But other competitors were twice older than she was. At one point in her life, she had a snake for a pet.

Berry “The Beauty Queen”

A lot of people don’t know, but in the early 80s, Hallie Berry was the Miss of the USA. In the end, she finished 6th in Miss World. For sure she is one of the most beautiful women’s in the world. But in the 90s she got diabetes. All that didn’t stop her, and today we know her for many roles.

America’s Sweetheart Julia Roberts

When Julia was very young her parents divorced. Her mother was later in a relationship with a very bad man. He was abusive. But that wasn’t all, when she was ten years old, her biological father died. Luckily for her, she manages to move to The Big City. When she was 19 she starts a relationship with Liam Neeson. Step by step she manages to become a star. During her career, she had good and bad days. But all in all, she manages to become America’s sweetheart.


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