Home Lifestyle Sagrada de Familia – does it reveal the age of Jesus

Sagrada de Familia – does it reveal the age of Jesus

Sagrada de Familia – does it reveal the age of Jesus

Sagrada de Familia may not be the most beautiful, but it is certainly one of the most magnificent churches in the world. Furthermore, once construction is complete, it will be the tallest church. One of the most visited attractions attracts several million people a year. The tallest church in the world is the life work of Antoni Gaudí. Antoni’s tomb is near four chapels. The tomb is located in the chapel dedicated to El Carmen.

The church is under UNESCO protection. The unique style of construction is known all over the world. Unusual details and shapes are a trademark of this landmark. As well as mosaics, wood and glass decorations, some of them bought in Zastitne Folija. In conclusion, the most interesting landmark that will attract attention for a long time.

Was it built longer than a pyramid?

The whole process lasts since 1882, longer than it took for the pyramids. On the other hand, the pyramids took about 20 years. In other words, it will eventually take about 146 years for Sagrada.

Sagrada de Familia – What is the meaning of the mysterious square

One of the biggest mysteries is the 4×4 square with 15 numbers. Some think that when you add up all the numbers you will get the age when Jesus Christ was crucified. However, number 33 also appears in Parque Guëll. Also, another building by Antoni Gaudí. Number 33 can be the highest rank for a freemason. However, this number may mean that Anthony deliberately hid the number 12. In other words, he wanted to deny the existence of 12 apostles. In conclusion, this square remains a mystery.

The tallest church in the world

After the last tower of Jesus Christ, the church will be the tallest in the world at 172.5 m. Furthermore, each of the 18 towers will have some meaning. While the 12 towers will represent the apostles, the four will represent the evangelists. One will be for the Virgin Mary and the last for Jesus Christ.

What is the secret in the appearance of the Sagrada de Familia?

Antoni did not like straight lines because they do not exist in nature. In other words, his design followed natural imperfections. He got his inspiration from the pointed peaks of Montserrat. Numerous drafts disappeared during the Spanish Civil War. Unfortunately, the loss of the draft slowed down construction.

Inside the church are elevators with which you can see even the most constructions. However, to reach the towers, it is necessary to go through the stairs. Once you climb you will have a beautiful view of the city.


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